Online school? No, problem! Tips and tricks for online students
Photo by Ivan Aleksic on Unsplash
Class difficulty - Don't kid yourself
Just because your math class is now online, it does not mean that it will be any easier than if it were in person. For this reason, the same mentality that you had with in-person school should be applied to online school. You will still learn the same material and look over the same modules, so make sure your note-taking strategies are at their best.
One could argue that online school is more laborious than in-person since teachers and professors are aware of the vast resources a student could easily google while taking an assessment. Remember to always keep integrity in mind when testing online. In my case, each test and quiz will be monitored through a Google Chrome extension: Procterio. Check with your teachers to see if you are in a similar boat. You don't want to miss an exam or quiz just because you did not come prepared.
Time management
I recommend that you look over a time management technique called "calendar blocking." Calendar blocking is just what it sounds like: you block your hours with your tasks. For example, if you plan on studying on Monday afternoon, you would mark from 15:00 to 18:00 on your calendar with "studying." I think calendar blocking is an excellent technique for online students, mainly for two reasons. First, there are no longer school bells or professors telling you that class is over or you are dismissed. Therefore, you need to create your own alarms. If you are using an online calendar like Google Calendar, which I recommend, you can schedule your class hours for the entire week and have them cycle throughout your semester. Then, you will be alerted when a class starts, and will (hopefully) never arrive late to class. If you were using a paper calendar, the same process would apply, but you would just set alarms on your phone. Secondly, you can plan your study hours and extracurriculars. Since you will be studying at home, you might be prone to have longer breaks than usual. Maybe watch movies or YouTube videos for hours. To prevent this, you need to become your own boss. What I mean by this is that you should schedule your study hours in your virtual or physical calendar. Not only will you be reminded that your break has ended and it is time to work, but you will also create a study routine, making studying a habit.
Eliminate distractions
I think the most significant battle with online learning is procrastination. Your learning environment now includes your comfy bed, pets, family members, TVs, games, a pantry with food, social media, etc., so learning and studying can lose their priorities.
To solve this, try to study at a desk or table with no one else in the room. If you are fortunate enough to have a desk in the room, study there. If not, move to the kitchen table if available, or you might be able to study outside in your patio or backyard with no distractions around you. If you are unable to find a quiet space, use noise-canceling headphones. You will be able to concentrate on your studies, and the plush from the headphones will not damage your eardrum as much if you were to use earbuds.
In regards to social media (YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.), you can download the free app "Bear Focus Timer." You can set the timer for along as you want to study for. The app forces you to flip your phone upside down, so you don't upset the bear; you really do not want to upset him. While the app runs, it also plays calming sounds like fire burning, nature noises, or nothing if you prefer. The app also works as a Pomodoro timer if you like studying that way.
Keep in touch with your classmates
As I mentioned before, treat online school as if it were in-person. You will get the occasional questions or need homework help. Take advantage of the many web-conference apps like Zoom or Google Meet to create study sessions with your friends and classmates. Even if you do not have any questions, call your classmates and ask them if they want to study alongside you. I am sure they will want to.
The same applies to your teachers and professors. If you have any questions regarding the material or class policy. You could always ask for tutorials or office hours through Zoom by sending them an email. Remember to keep it professional.
To close...
Make online school the best it can be. Organizations and websites are putting out so many free resources now, way more than before, to help you study whatever subject. Enjoy the ability to study in the comfort of your home with your family.
If you have any questions regarding online school or suggestions for the next blog post, leave a comment below. See you in the comments!
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